Hand Stripping
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Hand Stripping

Hand stripping is a grooming technique used on certain breeds of dogs with thick, rough coats. It involves removing dead hairs from the dog's coat using your hands and/or specialized tools, such as a stripping knife or stripping stone. The purpose of hand stripping is to promote new growth and maintain the texture and appearance of the dog's coat. Unlike clipping, which removes the hair using scissors or clippers and can lead to a softer coat texture, hand stripping helps to preserve the dog's natural coat texture and density.

Hand stripping is typically used on breeds of dogs with a thick, rough, and wiry coat. Some of the breeds that require hand stripping are:

  1. Terriers: Such as the Airedale Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, and West Highland White Terrier.
  2. Schnauzers: Miniature, Standard, and Giant Schnauzers.
  3. Wirehaired breeds: Such as the Wirehaired Dachshund, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, and the Irish Terrier.
  4. Otterhounds: A large, rough-coated breed used for hunting otters.
  5. Welsh Terriers: A small, energetic terrier breed.
  6. Scottish Terriers: A small, sturdy terrier breed.

Note: It's important to consult with a professional groomer or a veterinarian to determine if hand stripping is appropriate for your dog and how often it should be done. Some breeds may only require hand stripping in certain areas, while others may require it over their entire body.

Here are the steps to hand strip a dog:

  1. Gather the tools: You'll need a stripping knife or a pair of stripping stones, and a good quality pair of dog grooming gloves.
  2. Brush the dog: Brush the dog to remove any loose hair and tangles.
  3. Locate the dead hair: Look for patches of dull or discolored hair and start stripping these areas.
  4. Grasp the hair: Grasp the hair between your thumb and the stripping tool, and pull it towards the end of the hair.
  5. Repeat the process: Repeat the process until you've removed all the dead hair.


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