Things Most People Forget to Mention to Their Pet Sitters
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Things Most People Forget to Mention to Their Pet Sitters

You’ve gone through checklist after checklist to make sure you have all the important information about your pet for you new pet sitter. You’ve set out everything you think they’ll need while they are caring for your pet. To most people, their part is done. It’s time for their pet sitter to take over. But there is something quite important that many people forget to mention to their pet sitter.

What is your pet afraid of?

Being around your pet 24/7, you just get used to what they enjoy and what they fear. It becomes common household knowledge and is acquired just like a family member’s fears. You know, like your kids are afraid of the dark or your nephew doesn’t like to be left alone for too long. You may have had your pet for so long that you can’t remember the first times your pet showed fear towards something. This is why it’s best to sit down and deeply recall what exactly your pet fears and how they react in frightening situations. You want to prepare you pet sitter the best you can so they can provide you with the best pet sitting service they possibly can.

Here are the most common fears many pets have. These should help jog your memory a little.

The Vacuum

Every pet I’ve ever owned was afraid of the vacuum. I didn’t even have to turn it on and they’d hide away for hours. I’d find them in the strangest of places too. One of my pets couldn’t even hold her bodily functions when she saw it and made a mess on the floor every time. Poor thing.

It’s important that your pet sitter knows these things because he or she could be doing light housework and totally freak out your pet. If you were using the vacuum, you would know that your pet is hiding or even know WHERE they are hiding. Being that your sitter is a trained, experienced professional, they would probably know this already but it’s better to mention this instead of them assuming your pet is hiding when something else could have happened to them.

In the case of your pet making a mess, your pet sitter would need to be prepared to clean it up or put them in another room (with newspaper to be on the safe side) to prevent this from happening.

Maybe after vacuuming you give your pet a treat to calm them down. Your pet sitter would need to know to do the same thing as well.

Thunderstorms or Other Natural Events

Depending on your region, you could experience heavy thunderstorms, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. It is instinctual for your animal to protect itself when they sense these events nearing. Some pets hide under beds, in closets, in boxes, behind the sofa, in the corner, or any little niche they can fit their bodies in and feel surrounded and safe.

If your pet sitter comes during bad weather one day and can’t find your pet, he or she may be worried that your pet is outside or unsafe because they can’t find them. If you let your pet sitter know the places to check, they won’t need to be alarmed. Every time your sitter visits your home, it’s their responsibility to know where your pet is and make sure he or she is safe and taken care of.

Some other fears your pet may have are:

  • Lawnmowers and other lawn equipment
  • New people (It would not be wise of your sitter to bring an assistant if this is so.)
  • Loud noises and fast movements in general
  • Their own reflection (in glass or mirrors)

Some reactions your pet may have to these fears are:

  • Hiding
  • Obsessive barking, screeching, hissing, howling or noise making
  • Bodily secretions
  • Shaking
  • Attacking
  • Snapping or biting

Your pet sitter needs to be prepared to care for your pet on ALL levels. If he or she knows what to expect, they can prevent some of these frightful situations from happening and keep your pet calm, safe, and happy. This will only lead to an exceptional pet sitting experience for everyone.


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